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Student Welfare at the Globe
Overview of the Care of Under 18’s
We understand how important it is to look after our students. For a full overview of our policies, please see our safeguarding policy here. The key points are highlighted below:
First day 1-1 meeting with their teacher to raise any concerns or issues.
24 hour emergency phone.
Dedicated safeguarding team.
Appropriate curfews for all junior students are in place based on their age. Outside of the scheduled programme, and within the students' curfew, those aged 11-18 do have limited unsupervised time to explore the city and use the school's facilities.
There is also some limited time during the programme where the students aged 11+ may be allowed to explore/enjoy the location unsupervised. For example theme parks, city visits etc. For more information on how we safeguard our students, please see our Safeguarding Handbook.
All Explorer students are supervised at all times, including a strict sign in/out policy and school transfers when in homestay.
Orientation session on day 1 including a talk on how to stay safe in the UK and information on local laws, road traffic safety and school rules. In addition, we ensure all students have homestay contact details and address, as well as school emergency numbers.
Students are required to give us mobile numbers where appropriate for use in emergencies.
Our trained Welfare Team are available to students 24/7 for any concerns they may have.